
Our Concession Stand needs your help.

We're currently in need of Concession Volunteers! When you are on the Home Team your team is responsible for manning the Concession Stand.  The Concession Stand offers the convenience of great snacks and drinks on game days and assists in funding the league throughout the season.   If the Home Team does not have an adult or pre-approved teenager to work the stand during the game the Concession Stand will need to remain closed. 

Working in the Concession Stand can be fun and rewarding!  To volunteer please contact your Team Manager, Team parent or the Concession Manager Laura Born at [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I watch the game?  YES!  You will have the best seat in the house to view the game!  The stand is directly behind home plate and is the only air conditioned seat in the house!

What will I be asked to do?   The job is super easy!  Arrive a little early to open the stand.  Minor cash handling.  Serving snacks. Minimal food prep (examples: heating of hot food, popping popcorn and preparing coffee). Clean up and Lock up the stand before you leave.  

I cannot work in the concession stand so how can I get involved?  Contact President.nnll@gmail for other volunteer opportunities.

I have and/or know of a teenager looking for volunteer hours how can they volunteer?  Teenagers can earn volunteer hours for working in the concession stand, if pre-approved.  Contact [email protected]

Concession Menu

Click to see our concession menu.pdf

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